Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Probus Club of Vancouver held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club, 1650 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday April 1, 2014 at 9:30 am.
Jon Collins – President
Wayne Audette – Immediate Past President
Rich Carson – Treasurer
Doug Jones – Activities Committee Chairman
Brian Maunder – Speakers Committee Chairman
Tony Weall – Membership Services Chairman
Roy Williams – Newsletter Editor
Ken Yule – Secretary
Jack Zaleski – Website Committee Chairman
REGRETS: Doug Lambert, Norm Leach, David Scott, Norm Weitzel
President Jon Collins called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Ken Yule acted as secretary. A quorum of members being present, the President declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
- 1. Minutes of the Meeting of February 4, 2014
UPON MOTION (Wayne Audette, Jon Collins) the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of February 4, 2014 were approved as circulated.
- 2. Strategic Plan Review Update
Jon Collins reported for David Scott that progress is continuing and the next meeting will be in May.
- 3. Presidents’ Luncheon 2014
This event will be for members only with a sandwich buffet lunch following the talk. The speaker will be Duncan Davies, CEO of Interfor, discussing the B.C. forest industry. Doug Jones presented three venue possibilities, Arbutus Club, Shaughnessy G&CC and University Golf Club. UPON MOTION (Wayne Audette, Brian Maunder) the Committee authorized Doug Jones to book the Strathcona Room at the Arbutus Club for Tuesday October 14, 2014. UPON MOTION (Jon Collins, Wayne Audette) the cost per attendee was set at $25.
- 4. Nominating Committee
Wayne Audette reported that the Committee is constituted and will approach members imminently for the position of Vice-President and other posts. He will report again in June and the slate will be finalized by the August meeting.
- 5. Succession
Jon Collins suggested that Board of Directors positions other than President, Vice-President and Immediate Past President should be two year terms with an option to continue. Discussion ensued as to whether a three year term would be preferable, and whether or not there should be a maximum term. It was agreed that each Board of Directors member should be lining up a successor in his committee. Wayne Audette proposed that the Strategic Plan Review Committee investigate this subject.
An incomplete canvass of the present committee shows one member in his first year on the Board of Directors, two in their second year, three in their third year, and two over ten years.
- 6. Treasurer
Rich Carson anticipates a $1000 deficit for the year and a bank balance of $25,000 at fiscal yearend. Doug Lambert is renewing the facility contract. The coverage under our Lloyds general liability insurance policy is being increased from $2 million to $5 million. Rich will prepare a 2015 budget based on membership fees of $60 and $50 for the June meeting.
- 7. Secretary
Ken Yule summarized his review of our insurance coverage and indemnity agreement. Wayne Audette would like clarification of the protection afforded by the indemnity agreement.
The Committee discussed several possible changes to our bylaws. With respect to termination of membership for nonpayment of fees (bylaw 3(l),(n),(o)), the Committee preferred termination by the Board of Directors without further notice over: automatic termination on November 30, automatic termination on November 30 with a right to reapply, and termination after notice and a hearing by Board of Directors. With respect to the quorum at general and annual general meetings (bylaw 7(j)), the Committee recommends reducing the quorum from 25% to 15%. With respect to the fourteen day notice period for meetings (bylaw 7(b)), the Committee felt that the advance notices in newsletters is sufficient.
- 8. Speakers Committee
Brian Maunder distributed the rota of speakers arranged for the balance of 2014 and was congratulated on the quality of the list. The next meeting of his ‘think tank’ will be on May 15 at 9:30 am at RVYC.
- 9. Activities Committee
Doug Jones reported a successful trip to the car and collectibles museum enjoyed by 52 which produced a net profit of $340. For the next event, Emily Carr University and lunch at the Pacific Institute for the Culinary Arts on May 7, there are 37 paid participants; the maximum number is 60. For the Cirque du Soleil evening on June 24 we have 80 seats on hold and 34 tickets sold. Plans are also underway for a Vancouver Canadians baseball game in July or August and a tour of the Museum of Flight in Langley in mid-September.
- 10. Membership Committee
Jack Zaleski reported for Norm Leach. We presently have 394 members with 17 on the waitlist. The average attendance continues to be 45-50% of the membership. He summarized the membership satisfaction study, which 178 members completed, and which will be reviewed by the Strategic Plan Review Committee. General satisfaction was reported. Only 10% of members now receive a hard copy of the newsletter.
- 11. Website Committee
Jack Zaleski is keeping the website current.
- 12. Newsletter
Roy Williams advises that Peter Scott is taking over very well.
- 13. New business
There was no new business.
- 14. Next meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club, 1630 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on June 3, 2014 at 9:30 am.
- 15. Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:40 am.
_______________________________ ____________________________________
Jon Collins, President Ken Yule, Secretary