April 2011 – Board of Directors Minutes




Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Probus Club of Vancouver held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club, 1630 West

16th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. on April 5, 2011 at the hour of 9:30am.



Bill Sexsmith – President

Nick Thornton – Past President

Don Newman – Vice-President

Wayne Audette – Treasurer

Doug Lambert – House Committee Chairman

Conrad Rademaker – Membership Committee Chairman

Bill Robertson – Activities Committee Chairman

David Scott – Speakers Committee

Roy Williams – Newsletter Editor

Brian Wasson –Secretary

Gordon Thom – Historian and Archivist


1. Calling Meeting to Order

President, Bill Sexsmith called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.

Brian Wasson acted as Secretary. A quorum of members being present,

the Chairman declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.


2. Minutes of Meeting of February 1, 2011


the Minutes of the  Board of Directors Meeting of February 1, 2011 were approved as circulated.



3. Business arising from the Minutes of February 1, 2011

.1   Strategic Planning Committee Report

Don Newman tabled the Report of the Strategic Planning Committee, a committee which had been struck in November. The report was completed and circulated  prior to the meeting. The committee is composed of Don Newman as Chairman and Mark Cullen, Norm Leach, Wilson Parasiuk, Bill Sexsmith, Nick Thornton and George Adams as members. Don expressed satisfaction that a good working consensus had been reached in a short period of time. George Adams acted as secretary of the committee and prepared the comprehensive report now tabled . Don Newman dealt with the report, item by tem.


Under the heading of Membership considerable discussion arose over the introduction of a single annual fee that includes a factored element to cover the costs of the monthly meetings. It was felt by some that it would act as a disincentive for the casual attendees to remain as members. On that basis, a fee increase of $100 was considered to be too high. Upon motion by Don Newman, seconded by Wayne Audette it was proposed to introduce a combined fee  for 2011-2012 with an increase to $75 (Parking remains extra). THE MOTION CARRIED.


Under the heading of Regular Meetings the consensus regarding the third recommendation was that the club should develop a framework of criteria for alternative venues but no recommendation for a change need be made at this time.


Under the Website heading Wayne Audette pointed out that the website was becoming increasingly important as a permanent record and a communicating tool. It is his recommendation that the club seek the services of a webmaster to make the website more accessible and user friendly. Under the Administration heading he recommended investigating the services provided by Support Services Unlimited with whom he has experience with  in another organization. The first advantage is continuity in address, phone number and web page management and then a resource for mailings photocopying, etc.


All recommendations in the Report were endorsed by the meeting, save the recommendation to limit the holding of a management position for a maximum of two years.( the second recommendation under the heading of Administration ) which was put to motion and defeated.


It was proposed that the recommendations approved at the meeting be posted on the website, be published in the newsletter and be available in printed form at next week’s monthly meeting .The President and Vice President will determine who takes what action on the approved recommendations and when.





4.    Programs

.1 Speakers

David Scott distributed a revised summary of speakers through October. He advised there is a problem with a speaker for July. Both the Premier and the Governor of the Bank of Canada are possibilities being investigated.


.2 Activities

The activities program is proceeding according to schedule with a trip to the Britannia Mine Museum in May, a culinary tour in June and a waste management site tour in October. Ted Horsey is promoting a horticultural tour for next year which  is currently being researched,


.3 Membership

Conrad Rademaker distributed a monthly membership report. The question was raised whether deceased members should be removed from the membership list as deceased members. The consensus was to leave their names on the list.


Three new members will be introduced on April 12.


.4 Finance

Wayne Audette distributed Income Statement and Balance Sheet for Aug, 1, 2010 to Feb. 28, 2011.Solvency was assured.

There was a discussion over the costs of the President’s Lunch exceeding budget due to unanticipated audio-visual costs which will be considered for next year’s event.



.5  Probus R-2011

The Chairman announced that eleven months work had gone into preparing the program for the Rendezvous 2011 Event by the organizing committee. It is now up to each club to sell the event to its members. Registration for the three days is $185. The club will sponsor two delegates. The event will be featured in the newsletter and by a handout of the program including a registration form at the April General Meeting. The objective is to have 20 to 30 registrants from this event from Probus Club of Vancouver. Talk it up.


.6 Election Process

Nick Thornton reported that the preparation of a slate of officers to be elected in September is well under way. He has had a good response but it is premature to bring a list forward at this time.


5. New Business

Wayne Audette brought up a topic which arose in a discussion with the fund raising officer at the Cancer Research Facility concerning tax effective testamentary gifts to charities. It seems to be a muddied field as the tax rules are complex.. As an aside, I was speaking to our incorporating lawyer on the question and he told me he was involved in a situation where the benefactor gave away sixty million dollars and received a tax credit of fifteen thousand. So the matter bears some thought. It is recommended that the club explore the idea of a panel of experts who will give advise  to the membership without a sales pitch.


6. Airtime Requirements April 12th, 2011


Bill Roberts, Conrad Rademaker and David Scott (tentatively)

7. Matters to be followed up

1.      Strategic Plan to be included in Newsletter

2.      July Speaker to be determined(David Scott)

3.      Probus Rendezvous 2011 to be promoted within the club

4.      Election process to be initiated(Nick Thornton

5.      Permanent address and communication services to be evaluated

(Don Newman and Wayne Audette)

6.      Probus Rendezvous insert to be placed in Newsletter

(Bill Sexsmith, Don Newman and Roy Williams)


8. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Board of Directors  is scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at  The Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club at 9:30 am.


There being no further business the meeting terminated.



Bill Sexsmith, President


Brian Wasson, Secretary