April 9, 2013 – Dr. Bruce Forster, UBC Dept. of Radiology – “Medical Imaging”

BruceForsterDr. Bruce Forster is Professor and Head at the Univer-sity of BC Dept of Radiology, and Regional Department Head and Medical Di-rector, Diag-nostic Imaging, Vancouver Coastal Health and Providence Health Care. He was recently Director of Diagnostic Im-aging for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics/Paralympics Games. As an Associate Member of the Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Centre, he has been involved in the clinical, education, and research aspects of sports imaging for 18 years, is Associate Editor of the jour-nals ‘Radiology’ and ‘British Journal of Sports Medicine’, and is on the Honor-ary Editorial Board of ‘Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine’. Dr. Forster has delivered almost 300 invited lec-tures, many internationally, and has served as a Visiting Professor in Can-ada, the United States, Indonesia, Sin-gapore and the Middle East. He is the author of over 90 peer-reviewed scien-tific publications, and 92 educational ex-hibits, and has served as President of the Pacific Northwest Radiology Society, and on the Board of Directors of the Ca-nadian Association of Radiologists