Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Probus Club of Vancouver held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club, 1630 West 16th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. on October 1, 2013 at the hour of 9:30am.
Wayne Audette – Past President
Jon Collins – President
David Scott – Vice President
Richard Carson – Treasurer
Doug Lambert – House Committee Chairman
Norm Leach – Membership Committee Chairman
Brian Maunder – Speakers Committee Chairman
Douglas Jones – Activities Committee Chairman
Tony Weall – Member Services Committee Chairman
Brian Wasson – acting Secretary
Norm Weitzel – Historian/Archivist
Roy Williams – Newsletter
Jack Zaleski – Chairman Website Committee
Calling Meeting to Order
President Jon Collins called the meeting to order at 9:30 am.
Brian Wasson acted as Secretary.
A quorum of members being present, the Chairman declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
The Chairman welcomed all the new members to the Board of Directors.
1. Minutes of Meeting of August 6, 2013
Upon MOTION the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of August 6, 2013 were approved as circulated.
2. Changes to Probus Canada Bylaws and Constitution
Wayne Audette advised that the Probus Canada bylaw revisions have not been issued so far. If there is any required changes to our bylaws, we will deal with them when they come along.
3. Presidents’ Luncheon –Final Details
The President pointed out that the number of registered members and guests stands at 105, a considerable drop from prior years. There may be a number of factors in play: the $50.00 price for lunch and the average age of 79. There will be a deficit from $500 to $1200. Rich Carson confirmed that a $1000 shortfall had been budgeted . Jon Collins concluded that we can reassess time, place and price in the postmortem. Don Hudson will introduce the speaker, Andrew Petter and Mike Francis will thank him. The destination of the gratuity is the only outstanding matter.
4. 2014 Management Meeting and General Meeting dates
David Scott distributed a proposed schedule for meetings in 2014, the only issue being the General Meeting scheduled for November 11,2014. Wayne Audette pointed out that this problem had occurred twice in the past and the meeting was moved to November 10 or 12. Upon Motion by David Scott the date was moved to November 12. Doug Lambert confirmed that the Planetarium will be available. It was discussed that a speaker on the Remembrance Day theme would be desirable. Speakers Committee should coordinate the speakers address with the presentation from Reverend Pyke.
5. Terms of office of Committee Chairs
There was a wide ranging discussion on the advisability in establishing maximum and minimum terms of office for Committee Chairmen. Generally it was considered that a two year minimum be understood, if not mandated. Of equal, if not more importance, is the appointment of a Vice-Chair in all cases for the sake of continuity and successor planning. The consensus appeared to be that it would be a mistake to set inflexible rules for maximum terms. As Roy Williams pointed out, some positions do not lend themselves to a maximum term. The chairman concluded that we would carry on with the status quo. At each future Management Meeting, the Chairmen will report on their respective Vice-Chairman status.
6.Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Rich Carson reported that a two month statement was not too useful, especially as annual membership dues are not all in and the Presidents’ Lunch has not been billed. There is $47,000 in the bank. The Website encountered a small expense to increase capacity. Activities basically has broken even. Barb Kemp is retiring and it is presumed that the cost of her replacement will be on a par.
7. Secretary’s Report.
No report in absence of Secretary
8. Speakers Committee
Speakers Committee Chairman Brian Maunder reported that he had held a committee meeting resulting in 48 recommendations for speakers. Speakers have been booked to January and the proposal is to limit the 48 prospects to 8-10 on October 2 and then go to work lining them up. Jack Zaleski asked for current material on speakers be sent to him as it evolves to keep the Website up to date.
9. Activities Committee
Activities Chairman Doug Jones reported that on November 5 the committee will review the activities for 2014 and make plans in March. There will 5-6 activities which is the norm.
The Molson Brewery trip was a success with no financial results at this time.
10. Membership Committee
Chairman Norm Leach advised that of the 394 members in good standing from 2013 there are 325 renewals, 7 resignations and 72 outstanding renewals which will be followed up by email and a phone call. There are 8-9 prospective members on the waiting list. As the annual turnover averages 30, the committee will canvass applications from potential members of relatively junior years to reduce the average membership age from 79. Our current membership is comprised of 71 members aged 85 or over; 198 aged 75 to 84; 116 aged 65 to 74 and 9 under 65. Jon Collins stated that in addition to the age factor, ethnic outreach should be a priority in recruitment.
11. House Committee
Doug Lambert confirmed that the Planetarium is flexible on dates. The current rent is $484.00 per meeting.
12. Website Committee
The Website can be changed and updated at will other than the Webpage, the downside being that there is little consistency in the methods of updates which Jack Zaleski is working on standardizing. Jack is putting together a manual for others’ use.
Some people seem to have trouble accessing the Website as they misapply passwords: in summary, Members’ User Word or ID is “member” Members’ Password is “probus1” and is used to access the Roster on the Members Page Management User Word or ID is “executive” Management Password is”probus1”
Jack referred to a Google site called LastPass where you can store all of your passwords in your computer and even print out a copy. All of which is good except that you need a password to access LastPass and you should lock your computer with a password to secure your passwords.
13. Member Services Committee
Tony Weall stated his priority in engaging new members to take on greeters and cash functions at the monthly meetings. Presumably the process will iron out. The President recommended that he set up a committee.
14 Newsletter
Roy Williams plans to send a list of past presidents for the Website. Also a new members fact sheet is being passed on to Jack Zaleski. The Newsletter Editor confirmed that his Vice Chairman, Peter Scott is working out well and is looking for additional responsibility.
15. Historian/Archivist
Norm Weitzel has almost completed bringing the club history up to date. Each past president has been asked for a summary of his term which then leads to some editing. There are a few gaps but basically the work is done. The work is handwritten and needs to be typed.
16. New Business
The Chairman reported that the inquiries from UBC ladies for establishing a mixed Probus Club did not lead to finding a common interest. Bill Sexsmith is continuing to work with an interested group to form such a new club but results are six or more months away.
17. Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be at Royal Vancouver Yacht Club, 3811 Point Grey Road, Vancouver BC on December 3, 2013. Subsequent meetings will be held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis Club until and including November, 2014
There being no further business, upon motion the meeting terminated.
Jon Collins, President
Brian Wasson, Secretary