December 1, 2015 – Board of Directors Minutes

Jack Zaleski – chair, Doug Jones, Rich Carson, Ray Greenwood, Doug Lambert, Norm Leach, Hugh Lindsay,
Brian Maunder, Ian Paterson, David Scott, Peter Scott, Roy Williams.
Invited guest: David Pulfrey

President Jack Zaleski called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Rich Carson acted as secretary.
A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business. A financial report was circulated prior to the meeting and a report on the Past Presidents’ lunch was distributed during the meeting. These reports are not included in the minutes. A copy of the former is available from Doug Cucheron and the latter from Doug Jones.
1. All committee chairs were present.
2. A proposal to approve the minutes of the July 28, 2015 meeting, as distributed was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
3. Rich Carson confirmed that the treasurer had prepared a financial report for the period to November 30 that indicated that club finances were in accordance with the annual budget.
4. Norm Leach reported that speakers were confirmed for the next three meetings and that a number of possible speakers were being actively pursued. The benefits of having a list of last minute replacement speakers to fill a void caused by a last minute cancellation were discussed. Given the unlikelihood of such an event and the member resources available at any meeting, this was considered unnecessary
5. Brian Maunder reported on the efforts to obtain as many membership renewals as possible including emails and telephone conversations. All but 30 members have renewed. 20 have resigned and 10 have not responded. In accordance with the club bylaws, they will be treated as having resigned as well.
There are currently 13 names on the wait list who should be admitted to the club over the next 3 or 4 months. This is about the usual wait list.
We have several blank badges available for new members. After these are handed out, new lighter and cheaper badges will be introduced. A number of ideas have been put forward for improving the storage of name badges, most particularly reducing the weight of the storage boxes. Jack Zaleski is pursuing the idea of creating thin metal boxes that should be fairly inexpensive and significantly more manageable. Alternatives were suggested if this is not feasible.
6. Ian Paterson outlined a busy Activities calendar that will be described in detail on the website and in future newsletters in addition to announcements at monthly meetings. Planned outings include UBS, to hear about green architecture, a VSO concert, behind the scenes at the aquarium, another John Atkins walk and talk and a return to see a Vancouver Canadians baseball game. It was suggested that a question could be added to the membership renewal form asking for Activity suggestions to supplement those already under consideration.
Doug Jones distributed a report on the October 13th Presidents’ lunch that was regarded as a success, as indicated by the standing ovation at our speaker earned. The required subsidy of about $750 was well within the budget. The committee agreed that we should commence arrangements to return to the Arbutus Club with the same format and assume about the same attendance for next year.
7. Doug Lambert reported that Billy Ellis now manages the badges. See the comments at 6 above regarding the ongoing challenges and proposed resolutions.
Doug is waiting for next year’s rental proposal from the Planetarium, assuming that it will incorporate a modest rate increase.
8. Peter Scott was welcomed back and introduced David Pulfrey who will continue to assist Peter and who should receive a copy of all messages sent to Peter.
The response to the few members who have asked not to receive email correspondence from the club was discussed. It was recognized that individuals may wish to continue as members while ceasing email contact. A request to cease emails would be forwarded from Peter to Jack Zaleski who will remove the email address from the membership roster and contact the member to confirm that he wishes to receive correspondence by regular mail.
9. Raymond Greenwood reiterated his request for willing volunteers as cashiers and greeters. Jack Zaleski undertook to send Ray a list of new members who will be asked to act, soon after joining.
Ray also asked that information on the travel insurance available through PROBUS CANADA should be disseminated. The information should be available on the CENTRE’s website.
10. Hugh Lindsay reported that the new Executive website password is CPR.374. The login remains unchanged. Hugh also reported that two members, Ralph Fraser and Tony Wooster, were becoming familiar with the workings of the website to assist him and provide backup.
11. Roy Williams’ offer to write a brief article about the history project of the club was gratefully accepted.
12. David Scott provided a brief update on the progress of the Nomination Committee’s progress in identifying the members of next year’s Board of Directors.
The meeting adjourned at 11:45 am.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 am on February 2, 2016 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.

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