Probus Club Vancouver
Routine for presentations by very special guests*
1. Estimate attendance – hire Music School auditorium if necessary (capacity 282).
2. Consider whether security guards should be hired – if so Provident Security can be called: 604 664 1087.
3. Announce, (both at a meeting preceding the event and in the Newsletter), if thought necessary, that because limited seating is available the event will be restricted to members only.
4. Announce, at the same time as (3) that members will be required to sign up in order to attend. Sign up procedure should include the option of emailing a designated person.
5. Announce also the arrangements relating to parking and, if required, arrange for a desk where those who have parked in the Easy Park lot can pay their $5 tariff.
6. A careful record of those signed up should be kept, if possible in alphabetic order to facilitate check-off at the time of the event.
7. Decide whether or not coffee will be served.
8. Be sure to arrange with the Music School for coat racks to be available
9. Organizers should arrive at the event at least one hour prior to starting time – this is important because many people will arrive very early.
10. Arrange to have an appropriate number of people to check off those members who have reserved for the event.
*Examples include Bank of Canada Governor Carney, Chief Justice McLaughlin and Conrad Black
Proposed by David Scott, December 2014