December 2, 2014 – Board of Directors Minutes






President David Scott called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Rich Carson acted as secretary.

A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.

  1. All Committee Chairs were present
  2. Committee Chairs were reminded of the schedule of future meetings and the need to be represented by a committee member if the Chair was unable to attend.
  3. A proposal to approve the minutes of the October 7 meeting as distributed, made by Doug Jones and seconded by Roy Williams passed unanimously.
  4. Rich Carson and Doug Cucheron reviewed the liability insurance coverage of the Club. As members of Probus Centre – Canada, the Club participates in a group liability policy issued by Catlin Canada Inc. (previously issued by the Cooperators). This policy provides $5 million coverage for commercial general liability, non- owned automobile and tenants’ legal liability as well as a smaller medical coverage. In addition the Club has a commercial general policy with Lloyds with a $5 liability limit (raised in May 2013) that covers specifically meetings at the Academy of Music and H.R. MacMillan Space Centre as well as field trips in Vancouver. and Based on professional advice, the Club does not carry D&O coverage, although all officers and members of the Activities Committee are expected to sign agreements whereby the Club indemnifies them for any claims arising out of Club service. The 2014 annual contribution to Probus Centre Canada will be made in December in the amount of $900. (360 dues paying members at $2.50 per person.)
  5. The Treasurer reported that about 92% of membership renewals have been received. Those who have not paid are being contacted by telephone. It appears that a few members have paid twice and refunds will be made when the facts are confirmed.
  6. The group reviewed the Conrad Black event and expressed considerable satisfaction with Mr. Black’s presentation, the attendance of 247 persons and the morning generally. A contribution on behalf of Mr. Black will be made to the Vancouver Food Bank. David Scott undertook to prepare a brief report on the process to guide future special presentations. David’s report is attached to these minutes. The preregistration worked well but the sign-in process was difficult. As attendance was less than capacity, this was not a major issue but the membership committee representatives should arrive one half hour before the doors open being one hour before the scheduled opening for any similar future events.
  7. The Membership Chair reported that our membership now exceeds 360, about normal given anticipated admissions. There are 19 names on the waiting list who should be admitted in groups of three over the next few months. We continue to look for new members particularly those who would reduce the average age or increase diversity. Any leads are welcome. We continue to encounter challenges, mostly solvable, regarding AV arrangements for some speakers, primarily coordinating their materials with our systems. Peter Scott has taken custody of the Club’s equipment and it would be helpful to know as soon as possible after the speaker has been confirmed what technology and equipment he/she will require. It was agreed that a paragraph would be added to the confirmation letter to facilitate coordination.
  8. Speakers have been confirmed to at least February and many contacts are in process to fill spots beyond that time. A few ideas were put forward for consideration, including possibly a series of speakers on related topics and possibly a visit to the Planetarium or the MOV. The idea of a series of speakers was not viewed favourably by the attendees.
  9. The Presidents’ Lunch was regarded as a success with improved attendance (132) and positive reaction to the speaker and the meal. The deficit of $900 was less than some previous years and is regarded as manageable within the finances of the Club. The Board of Directors approved having a similar function next year at the same time. It was thought that minor housekeeping issues could be resolved.
  10. Arrangements for next summer’s baseball outing are progressing and the Committee agreed to making a $1,000 deposit before the end of the year to secure an area. The first choice would be the Hard Rock Casino (which may not be available) but the new left field location would be satisfactory to most.
  11. Doug Lambert reported that he is making progress on finding a second in command and that he expects that the Planetarium rent will increase modestly in January.
  12. The Committee remarked on the high quality of the website. Peter Scott then raised a few related questions. The first related to the possibility of adding a paragraph at the end of the letter to comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, similar to those he saw on some other Probus Club newsletters. Rich Carson indicated that this issue had been discussed with the Club’s legal counsel who had undertaken to provide sample language for such a note. Peter and Rich will work to provide a suitable addendum soon and, if necessary, to revise this annual renewal notice.
  13. Peter announced that he has two members who are learning the process of editing and producing the newsletter. He requested that all information for the newsletter be copied to them when sent to him. He informed the committee that he will be away in December but should be able to produce and distribute the January Newsletter.
  14. Member’s services are working well and Tony is having no problems recruiting volunteers for greeting and cash desk positions.
  15. Hugh Lindsay is assembling an inventory of website content and sources. He is looking for trained people eager to assist him. He is also working with Jack Zaleski to create an electronic event registration process.


The meeting terminated at 11:30 am.

The next meeting will be on March 3, 2015  at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club,3811 Point Grey Road.


Probus Club Vancouver


Routine for presentations by very special guests*


  1. Estimate attendance – hire Music School auditorium if necessary (capacity 282).


  1. Consider whether security guards should be hired – if so Provident Security can be called: 604 664 1087.


  1. Announce, (both at a meeting preceding the event and in the Newsletter), if thought necessary, that because limited seating is available the event will be restricted to members only.



  1. Announce, at the same time as (3) that members will be required to sign up in order to attend. Sign up procedure should include the option of emailing a designated person.



  1. Announce also the arrangements relating to parking and, if required, arrange for a desk where those who have parked in the Easy Park lot can pay their $5 tariff.



  1. A careful record of those signed up should be kept, if possible in alphabetic order to facilitate check-off at the time of the event.



  1. Decide whether or not coffee will be served.



  1. Be sure to arrange with the Music School for coat racks to be available



  1. Organizers should arrive at the event at least one hour prior to starting time – this is important because many people will arrive very early.


 10. Arrange to have an appropriate number of people to check off those members who have reserved for the event.



*Examples include Bank of Canada Governor Carney, Chief Justice McLaughlin and Conrad Black