February 5th, 2013 – Board of Directors Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Probus Club of Vancouver held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club, 1630 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on February 5, 2013 at 9:30 am.


Don Newman – Immediate Past President

Jon Collins – Vice-President

Doug Lambert – House Committee Chairman

Norm Leach – Membership Committee Chairman

Bill Robertson – Activities Committee Chairman

Peter Scott – Assistant Newsletter Editor

Tony Weall – Members Services Committee Chairman

Roy Williams – Newsletter Editor

Ken Yule – Secretary

Jack Zaleski – Website Committee Chairman

REGRETS: Wayne Audette (President), Rich Carson (Treasurer), Brian Maunder (Speakers Committee Chairman).



Vice-President Jon Collins called the meeting to order at 9:30 am, President Wayne Audette having sent his regrets.

Ken Yule acted as secretary.

A quorum of members being present, the Chairman declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.

  1. 1.      Minutes of meeting of December 4, 2012

UPON MOTION (Roy Williams, Norm Leach) the Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of December 4, 2012 were adopted as circulated.

  1. 2.     Business arising from the Minutes of December 4, 2012

All business arising was discussed under subsequent agenda items.

  1. 3.      Presidents’ Luncheon

Jon Collins’ committee has distributed a survey to those members who attended, and will shortly be sending a survey to those who did not.   He anticipates that the results will be available for the April meeting.

Jon Collins has confirmed the Marine Drive Golf Club for this year’s luncheon on October 8, 2013.

  1. 4.     Probus Canada Director Nomination

There will be an election among the twelve Probus clubs in District 2, the ballots being mailed in by the third week of March.

        5-6.   Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of the Treasurer, Jon Collins presented his recommendation to move to      Scotiabank and much discussion followed.   MOTION (Bill Robertson, Tony Weall) that the Society’s banking be transferred to the Scotiabank branch at 5659 Dunbar Street, Vancouver, and that the timing of the move be at the Treasurer’s discretion, was defeated.

The Board of Directors will review the bylaw with respect to signing officers for this year’s Annual General Meeting.

        7.    Secretary’s Report

The Annual Report and Amended Bylaws have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and copies were received in December.   The Amended Bylaws have been forwarded to Probus Canada and posted on the Website.

Bylaw amendments with respect to Honourary Life Members should be available for consideration at the April meeting.

       13.   Website Committee

Jack Zaleski has posted the lists of Past Presidents and Honourary Life Members.   He is exploring the possibility of greater functionality with Sophia.   All membership and attendance information is being kept, but not all is posted.   A “Master Membership List” is available.

The minutes of the April 2012 board of directors meeting are to be added to the executive site.

         8.   Speakers Committee

In the absence of Brian Maunder Jon Collins reported that all is now set for the February 12 meeting.

It was suggested that the names of the speakers for the ensuing three months should be listed in the newsletter either in the front page box naming the next speaker or with coming events, or that they should be posted on the website.   This will be discussed at the April meeting.

9.   Chief Justice McLachlin Special Meeting

Michael Catliff will introduce and Nick Thornton will thank the Chief Justice.   There is a waitlist, and only registered members will be admitted.   Registration will be checked at the bottom of the stairs.   Members will be urged to arrive early to avoid congestion, and because the meeting must start promptly at 2 pm and end by 3 pm.    She plans a 30 minute address and then some questions.   The parking fee (the Easy Park arrangement for which Doug Lambert will confirm) will be collected upstairs.    There will not be greeters.

      10.   Activities Committee

Bill Robertson reported that the Triumf visit on March 19 is waitlisted and the notice for the trip to LaConner on April 18 has been distributed.

      11.   Membership Committee

Norm Leach advised that we have 382 active members and 18 applicants.   He asked the Committee to urge their younger friends to join, and will e-mail all members under age73 to encourage their friends to become members.

He also wishes to expand the ethnic composition of the club to reflect the city better, and suggested looking for members among our non-Caucasian friends, from golf clubs and the Arbutus Club and Chinese Rotary Club, and encouraging the idea at committee meetings.

      12.   House Committee

                  Doug Lambert reported that the Past Presidents Greeters badges have been obtained.

There was discussion about payment of the parking fee, and it was agreed that locating the collection table at the top of the stairs seems to be sufficient for now.

      14.   Members Services

                  Tony Weall is inviting members who have joined in the past two years to be greeters.

       15.   Newsletter

                  Roy Williams pointed out that he now has all the PowerPoint equipment available.

Tony Weall volunteered to be the backup PowerPoint person.

       16.   Historian/Archivist

                  In the absence of Norm Weitzel there was no report from the Historian/Archivist.

        17.   New Business

It is the responsibility of the Secretary, not the Newsletter Editor, to inform Probus Canada following the Annual General Meeting.                 

The Members Services Committee will advertise for a photographer.

The posting of Honourary Life Members on the website should be the responsibility of the Historian/Archivist.

       18.   Next meeting date and venue

The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be at Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club, 1630 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on April 2, 2013 at 9:30 am.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.




Jon Collins, Vice-President



Ken Yule, Secretary