Date: May 21, 2019
Time: Coffee will be available at 9:30 with the walk starting at 10:00 am
Location: The Hunnybee Brunchonette at 798 Gore Avenue at the corner of Union Street where we have arranged coffee and a muffin
Walk: the walk will last 2 hours covering the area surrounding the Georgia and Dunsmuir Viaducts
Cost: $20 per member
Limit: 25 Members
You may register at the activity desk at our monthly meeting or pay online below.
Members registered for the John Atkin Walk
Hugh Robinson
Alain Boisett
William Robinson
Rich Carson
Jack Zaleski
Doug Graham
Chris Finch
Hugh Lindsay
Al Hurwitz
H. Beattie
Doug Harrison
Ian Paterson
Michael Shields
Jon Collins
Stan Shackell
Ralph Carder
Ray Greenwood
Doug Blackman
Peter Hamilton
Ron Pears
Total – 20