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Paying with Paypal is very easy
Click on the Buy Now button that appears next to the flyer.
You will be directed to the Paypal Purchaser Details page which identifies the activity for which you are purchasing tickets, the price per ticket and allows you to enter the quantity you want to buy.
Enter the quantity and click continue.
You will be directed to the LogIn page where you have 2 options:
1. If you have a Paypal account, enter your Paypal ID and password and click Log In. The rest you will be familiar with as a member. When finished you will be directed back to the Probus web site.
2. If you do not have a Paypal account, click the Pay with Credit or debit button. You will be asked for your credit card information, billing address and contact information. Then click the Privacy Policy check box and then click the Pay Now button.
You are done. You will receive an email confirming your purchase.
If you require personal assistance with Paypal, please contact Jack Zaleski.
Doug Blackman and guest
Rich Carson and guest
George Cassady and guest
Hugh Chaun and two guests
Colin Connor and two guests
Harold Copping and three guests
Gordon Dungate and guest
Terry Gill and guest
Mark Johnson and guest
Donald Jones and guest
Hugh Lindsay
John Madden and guest
Arun Mehra and guest
Anders Nordin and guest
John Rae and guest
Alfred Schulz and guest
Peter Scott and guest
Mike Shields and guest
Peter Stigings and guest
Gijsbrecht Stronk and guest
Robert Vroom and guest
Jack Zaleski and guest