Jack Zaleski – chair ,Doug Jones, Doug Cucheron, Rich Carson, Raymond Greenwood, Doug Lambert, Hugh Lindsay, Brian Maunder, Ian Paterson, David Scott, Peter Scott,
Invited guests: Hugh Chaun, Nick LeMoine
1.President Jack Zaleski called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Rich Carson acted as secretary.
A few members made brief comments on the health of Norm Leach. Norm is at home getting out occasionally and active on his computer.
2.A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
3.All committee chairs were present or represented.
4.A proposal to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2016 meeting, as distributed was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
5.Doug Cucheron presented a year to date financial report projecting a small deficit for the year and a budget for next year also projecting a small deficit. Given the accumulated surplus, both were considered reasonable. Annual dues payment notices will be mailed next month as in previous years with no change to the amount.
6.David Scott presented the slate of nominees for board of directors positions for next year to be presented to the members at the AGM. The slate is attached to these minutes.
7.Hugh Chaun, who will be taking over the chair of the Speakers committee, summarized the list of confirmed speakers and a long list of suggested topics and speakers, derived to a considerable extent from a recent think tank meeting of the committee. Raymond Greenwood reminded the group that next year is the 150th anniversary of confederation and we should try to recognize the occasion through speakers and/or events.
(a) Ujjal Dosanjh is confirmed as speaker for the Past Presidents’ Lunch. There will be no visual aids given the dimensions of the room and care should be taken to ensure that a satisfactory sound system is available. Doug Jones will personally invite former presidents to the lunch.
8.Brian Maunder announced that we have 410 paid up members; 3 who are inactive and a waiting list of 10 applicants. All numbers are in line with past experience.
a)Roy Williams is arranging a plaque to be presented to Bill at the lunch.
9.Ian Paterson described plans for future activities. A lunch cruise on the Fraser River took place on July 27 attended by 60 members and guests. A visit to the Museum of Anthropology will take place on September 20. Other events are tentatively planned for November, 2016 and for 2017.
10.Doug Lambert reported that facilities arrangements are well in hand. Several issues have arisen over parking payments and Easy Park has been contacted to resolve proposed ticketing actions.
11. Peter Scott told us that he expects future newsletters may become longer, covering 5 or 6 pages. No one raised any concerns regarding the length or the delivery.
(a)Peter Scott described his satisfaction with the work of our new transcriber, Jacquie Miller. She edited the transcription which made Peter’s job substantially easier. Jacquie subsequently asked that we reconsider the amount of compensation and all members have agreed that she should be paid at a rate of $35 per hour rather than a fixed amount; assuming she would spend about 7 hours on the monthly transcription and edit.
12.Raymond Greenwood said that he was focussing successfully on new members who were willing volunteers to act as cashiers and greeters.
13. Nick LeMoine is digging into his role according to Hugh and the website seems to be in good hands going forward. There are issues being encountered by some members trying to access the website through an I Pad or smart phone. A solution has been implemented. Anyone who has problems with this or other website issues should contact Hugh or Nick. Tony Wooster continues to recover. He’s living at Terraces 1570 West 7th Avenue and welcomes phone calls at 604 738 3330.
14. It was noted that a thankyou note, phone call or email would likely be well received by speakers and we should ensure that a recognition in appreciation occurs.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 am on October 4, 2016 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.
Past President Jack Zaleski
President Doug Jones
Vice President Hugh Lindsay
Secretary Rich Carson
Treasurer Doug Cucheron
Speakers Hugh Chaun
Membership Brian Maunder
Activities Ian Paterson
House Doug Lambert
Newsletter Peter Scott
Member Services Raymond Greenwood
Historian Roy Williams
Website Nick LeMoine
Counsel Brian Wasson, Ken Yule, Ted Horsey