David Scott – chair, Jon Collins, Doug Jones, Doug Lambert, Norm Leach, Hugh Lindsay, Brian Maunder, Roy Williams.
Invited guests: Ray Greenwood, Ian Paterson
President David Scott called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Hugh Lindsay acted as secretary.
A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business. A number of reports were circulated to members prior to or during the meeting. These reports are not included in the minutes but copies are available from the appropriate committee member.
1. All committee chairs were present or represented
2. A proposal to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2015 meeting, as distributed was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
3. David Scott reminded members of the Board of Directors to submit updated versions of their job descriptions to Jack Zaleski. Roy Williams asked if it was still appropriate for the Historian/Archivist to be responsible for recommending candidates for Honorary Life Membership. It was agreed that it is.
Roy also raised the question of Committee backups. It was agreed that the Past President should be responsible for maintaining a list.
Board of Directors meetings will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of every second month at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. The Meeting on August 2, 2016 may be rescheduled. (Day after BC Day)
4. The budget for 2015-16 that was circulated by e-mail prior to the meeting was approved. No change will be made to the annual dues of $50. The club will continue to subsidize the President’s lunch
5. Norm Leach distributed a list of confirmed speakers for the rest of 2015.
Andre Gerolymatos will be the speaker at the President’s lunch on October 13.
The Speakers Committee will hold a think tank on 2016 speakers in early October.
6. Brian Maunder presented drafts of the 2015-16 membership renewal invoice and the nomination for membership form. Both forms will indicate that birth date, former vocation and interests/hobbies are not mandatory and will offer the option to withhold the information, or to have it removed.
The subject of increasing ethnic diversity was discussed and three approaches were identified for consideration: a) increasing the diversity of membership on the Membership Committee, b) seeking suggestions from “minority” members on how to proceed, and c) encouraging members of the Board of Directors to nominate members who would add to the diversity of the club.
7. Doug Jones reported that the May 19 Walking Tour of South Granville with John Atkins attracted 25 members and was well received. The Vancouver Canadians baseball outing on July 22 was attended by 55 members and guests. It was a fun event with plentiful food and desserts. The Activities Committee was asked to consider doing it again next year. The Sea to Sky Gondola visit on September 1 has a registration of 38. The Presidents’ Lunch will be held on October 13 at the Arbutus Club with arrangements similar to last year. The charge for 160 people is $5,000 – approximately $35 per head for those who pay. The event will have a subsidized price f$30.
8. Doug Lambert reported that Billy Ellis now manages the badges. The badge boxes continue to be a challenge and it may be necessary to acquire a third box to make it easier to insert spaces for new members. Jack Zaleski is investigating solutions, including a less expensive source of badges.
9. David Scott reported that Peter Scott was in hospital but had prepared the August newsletter which will include the list of nominations.
The newsletters include brief obituaries and the club makes a donation of $50 to charity in the name of deceased members. The practice was questioned and discussed but will continue for now.
10. Raymond Greenwood, representing Tony Weall had no report from the Membership Services Committee.
11. Hugh Lindsay reported that the Website Committee had met and identified a number of enhancements to the website including a more concise Home Page and a “Contact Us” button. He commented that the font size was now too small and will arrange to have it increased. He also mentioned that, on the advice of our webmaster, Sophia Kelly, the e-mail addresses of Board of Directors members are not shown on the Contact Us page to reduce the risk of exposure to spammers. Hugh will review the website to check for other e-mail addresses and will talk to Brian Maunder about the contact information for the Membership Committee and the revised nomination form.
To enhance the privacy of the Executive Roster, there will be a new login and password for Board of Directors members that will change each year. Hugh will arrange the change and notify the 2015-16 committee members. He will also arrange to add a statement of Probus privacy policy to the website.
Hugh agreed to talk to members about the website at occasional monthly meetings.
12. Roy Williams had no report as Historian. David Scott thanked him for writing an article for the August newsletter.
13. Jon Collins presented the report of the Nomination Committee which will be included in the August newsletter. He and Tony Weall will leave the Board of Directors and Raymond Greenwood and Ian Paterson will join. David Scott circulated a “Recent History of the Board of Directors.
14. Norm Leach, on behalf of the Board of Directors, thanked David Scott for his service as President.
The meeting adjourned at 11:51 am.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 am on October 6, 2015 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.