Jack Zaleski, Jon Collins, Doug Cucheron, Norm Leach, Brian Maunder, Doug Jones, Peter Scott, Tony Weall, Hugh Lindsay, Roy Williams, Rich Carson
Vice President Jack Zaleski called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Rich Carson acted as secretary.
A quorum of members being present, the vice president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business. A number of reports were circulated to members prior to or during the meeting. These reports are not included in the minutes but copies are available from the appropriate committee member.
All committee chairs were present.
- 1. A proposal to approve the minutes of the December 2, 2014 meeting, as distributed was made, seconded and passed unanimously. The Scott draft guide for future special meetings was agreed. Rich Carson reported that questions regarding the protection of personal information on the website and privacy has been referred to the legal counsel of the club and a response is expected soon. It is anticipated that some modifications to current procedures and disclosure may be recommended.
- 2. Rich Carson summarized the insurance coverage provided through Probus Canada. That coverage and the additional coverage required by the Planetarium are considered adequate for the protection of the Club.
- 3. The Treasurer’s report that was circulated by e-mail prior to the meeting was approved.
- 4. Norm Leach distributed a list of confirmed and possible speakers. A possible speaker for the Presidents’ Lunch may be confirmed by July. In response to Norm’s query, the committee concluded that no more than one special speaker should be sought per annum. The greatest challenge with arrangements is registration and checking at the door on the day of the event.
- 5. Brian Maunder reported that the Club now has 374 paid up members and 20 names on the waiting list. Both numbers are regarded as satisfactory. A reconciliation of different membership lists will be undertaken to confirm the current status. The idea of informing people on the wait list of possible or probable admission dates was discussed. It was concluded that while a general approximation could be provided, trying to provide specific dates to those on the list would cause more confusion than it would cure.
- 6. Doug Jones reported that the March 17 tour is fully subscribed with a waiting list. The baseball outing on July 22 has attracted interest and space remains available. The Activities Committee will be meeting on Thursday to plan future events. It is expected that the Presidents’ Lunch will be held on October 13 at the Arbutus Club with arrangements similar to last year.
- 7. Peter Scott circulated a memo raising a couple of monthly meeting issues and summarizing the delegation of responsibilities in preparing the April Newsletter while Peter is far away. The proposed arrangements were agreed by the parties named.
- 8. Tony Weall reported that recruitment of cash desk attendees and greeters from new members was working well but that more support from members of longer standing would be welcome.
- 9. Hugh Lindsay summarized two documents that were circulated to members in advance of the meeting. The two were a report describing 3 topics of concern as well as a Guide for Members of the Board of Directors in dealing with the website and the website committee. A subcommittee was struck to follow up the issues raised. The members are: Jack Zaleski, Jon Collins, Peter Scott, David Scott and Hugh. Others are welcome to provide comments directly to Hugh.
- 10. An update covering 2014 will be added to the History of the Club that is now on the website.
- 11. The nomination Committee for next year will comprise Jon Collins, chairman, David Scott and Jack Zaleski. Their main priorities will be a new vice president, additions to the house committee and a new chairman for the Member Service committee.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 am.
The next meeting will be at 9:30 am on May 5, 2015 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.