Mar 19, 2014: Guided Tour of Vintage Car Museum


1 thought on “Mar 19, 2014: Guided Tour of Vintage Car Museum”

  1. Current Attendees:

    Arnold-Wallinger, Tony
    Bamofield, Howard
    Braiden, Jolly
    Carder, Ralph
    Collins, John
    Connor, Colin
    Copping, Harold
    Coucheron, Doug
    Cowan, Robert
    Craig, Harrold
    Daem, Ted
    Dawson, Keith
    Dlin, Arnie
    Gemmill, John
    Gibson, Mark
    Graham, Doug
    Hanson, Merv
    Harley, Frank
    Hazelwood, Darin
    Hill, John
    Hooper, Jeremy
    Jacobson, Michael
    Jones, Doug
    King, Michael
    Lay, Chris
    Leeson, Rob
    Lindsay, Hugh
    Lintott, Don
    McGavin, Hugh
    McLeod, Gundy
    McNeil, Ron
    Oke, Tim
    Owen, Philip
    Owens, Owen
    Pike, Andrew
    Pond. Leon
    Rae, John
    Royea, Merlyn
    Scott, Peter
    Sinclair, Grover
    Smith, Ted Trevor
    Spencer, Richard
    Sullivan, John
    Thomas, Bill
    Thornton, Nick
    Watt, Eric
    Weall, Tony
    Webber, Darin
    Winram, Dean
    Yorsh, Ralph
    Zaleski, Jack

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