Doug Jones – chair, Doug Cucheron, Rich Carson, Raymond Greenwood, Doug Lambert, Nick LeMoine, Brian Maunder, Ian Paterson
President Doug Jones called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Rich Carson acted as secretary. Doug circulated a schedule of meetings for the next 12 months all of which will be held at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club.
A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
Most committee chairs were present or represented. Peter Scott chairman of the Newsletter Committee had provided an email report to the group. Brian Maunder led a discussion relating to speakers in the absence of Hugh Chaun.
As a follow up to the previous meeting, Doug Jones raised a question about the list of confirmed speakers for the next few months. While speakers are arranged for the remainder of the calendar year, it appears that speakers for the months of January, February and March 2017 have yet to be confirmed. Subject to these comments, a proposal to approve the minutes of the April 5, 2016 meeting, as distributed, was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Doug Jones reported that a request has been received from a Women’s Probus Club to have 3 of their members attend one of our monthly meetings to observe proceedings. This request had been circulated among the management group and Bill Sexsmith. Many had responded generally agreeing that the request should be granted on a one time basis. The response by Hugh Lindsay contained a number of recommendations regarding arrangements for attendance. Doug Jones will inform the women’s club of our decision reflecting Hugh’s comments.
Doug Jones circulated a report on the BC Conference held on September 24, 2016 of the Lower Mainland Club Presidents. The report indicated that growth in both existing and new clubs was slowing, a trend that is consistent across the country. The management group expressed its support for the key recommendations of the 2011 Strategic Planning Committee of our club to maintain our active membership at about 400 and to encourage applications from younger retired or semi-retired men. Additional comments on new membership are set out in item 9.
Doug Cucheron presented a year-to-date financial report. As of September, 81% of membership dues have been paid, in line with previous years. Steps will be taken to follow up those whose dues remain unpaid at the end of October.
There was no representative of the Speakers Committee present. It is understood that speakers are arranged for the next three months and later in 2017. However, there are some gaps earlier in the year. There is a list of suggested speakers developed by a recent think tank exercise that should yield some excellent speakers. On his return, Hugh Chaun will be asked to report on progress in filling the gaps.
Brian Maunder announced that we have 406 paid up members, 3 who are inactive and a waiting list of 9 applicants. All numbers are in line with past experience. Brian raised the question of how a person requesting to join through the website could find the necessary sponsors for his application if he did not know any current members. It was agreed that the person should be invited to a monthly meeting by a member of the membership committee who would undertake to introduce the person to other members who could then be in a position to act as sponsors based on that meeting.
Ian Paterson said that he is looking for 2 new committee members. As previously reported, the visit to the Museum of Anthropology scheduled for September was cancelled when the museum said that they could not provide the promised guides. Participants received a full refund. There was a committee meeting last week to discuss the program for next year. A number of exciting activities are being planned including a VSO concert, a Bard on the Beach play and possibly a return to a baseball game.
Doug Lambert reported that a new facilities rent proposal has not been received. All other arrangements are well in hand.
Peter Scott had sent a note indicating that arrangements will be made to ensure the audio equipment is delivered to the Arbutus club for the Presidents’ Lunch.
Raymond Greenwood said that he was having success finding new members to act as cashiers and greeters.
Nick LeMoine is encountering some challenges with WordPress, the website software but expects speedy resolution with the assistance of our tech support. Nick is also looking for new committee members.
Roy Williams reported that the presentation to Bill Sexsmith will take place at the November monthly meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.
The next meeting will be at 10:30 am on December 6, 2016 at Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club followed by lunch.
Past President Jack Zaleski
President Doug Jones
Vice President Hugh Lindsay
Secretary Rich Carson
Treasurer Doug Cucheron
Speakers Hugh Chaun
Membership Brian Maunder
Activities Ian Paterson
House Doug Lambert
Newsletter Peter Scott
Member Services Raymond Greenwood
Historian Roy Williams
Website Nick LeMoine
Counsel Brian Wasson, Ken Yule, Ted Horsey