October 6, 2015 – Board of Directors Minutes




Jack Zaleski – chair, Doug Cucheron, Raymond Greenwood, Doug Jones, Norm Leach, Hugh Lindsay, Brian Maunder, Peter Scott, Roy Williams.

President Jack Zaleski called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Hugh Lindsay acted as secretary.

A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business. A number of reports were circulated to members prior to or during the meeting. These reports are not included in the minutes but copies are available from the appropriate committee member.

1.Jack Zaleski welcomed Raymond Greenwood and Ian Paterson to the Board of Directors.
There were no additions to the agenda.

2. All committee chairs were present or represented—except the Activities and House Committees.

3. Board of Directors meetings will continue to be held on the first Tuesday of every second month (Oct, Dec, Feb, April, and June) and July 26—because August 2 is too close to the holiday—at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.

4. A proposal to approve the minutes of the July 28, 2015 meeting, as distributed was made, seconded and passed unanimously.
Jack Zaleski has updated the Board of Directors job descriptions which are posted on the website.

5. The Treasurer presented the financial statement for the two months to September 30, 2015, which show the club in good financial shape. He commented that 81% of members have renewed—ahead of last year.

6. Norm Leach distributed a list of confirmed speakers for the rest of 2015 and proposals for 2016—developed by The Speakers Committee’s think tank.
The speaker at the President’s lunch will Dr. Julio Montaner replacing Dr. Andre Gerolymatos who is now scheduled to speak in November.

7. Brian Maunder reported that the club has 422 active and 4 inactive members with 11 on the waiting list.
Jack Zaleski will send an e-mail reminder to those who have not renewed (including 70 of whom about 10 are expected not to renew). Doug Cucheron will prepare a list of unpaid members for   Brian, who will arrange to contact them to remind them. It was suggested that the first action be a reminder email to all unpaid members, followed in early November by a phone call. There was a suggestion to conduct an “exit interview.”  Brian will advise Jack Zaleski (Membership Database Co-ordinator) of any changes in membership status.
It was noted that information on deceased members is already collected and provided to the Database Co-ordinator by Peter Scott (through the newsletter mailings) and Doug Lambert, and that this information should also be sent to the Membership and Newsletter Committees as appropriate.
At a recent Probus meeting, there were no Probus club pins for new members and it was impossible to borrow pins from members because no one was wearing one. After a brief discussion, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved that the club discontinue the practice of issuing Probus pins to new members.
Jack Zaleski presented an alternative name badge with a removable paper name panel that costs about $5 – half the price of the present badge. The panel is produced on a computer printer using standard perforated paper.  After discussion, which include agreement to retain the size and layout of the present badges, it was moved, seconded and unanimously approved that the Jack Zaleski will acquire up to 100 new badge frames and name cards and set up a process for producing badges.
It was further moved, seconded and unanimously approved that members will be charged $5 for a replacement badge. The Membership Committee will be responsible for collecting the fees. Peter will make an announcement of this in the newsletter.

8. In the absence of Ian Paterson there was no report from the Activities Committee.
Doug Jones reported that registration for the Presidents’ Lunch on October 13 at the Arbutus Club was 117 including 12 complimentary registrations for past presidents. The estimate is for 120 registrations and a subsidy for the event of about $715—close to budget.

9. In the absence of Doug Lambert there was no report from the House Committee.
Jack Zaleski reported on the project to enhance the badge boxes which are hard to maintain as new members join, and have inadequate capacity for our current membership. He recommended acquiring an additional box with a capacity of about 100 badges. It was agreed that he should obtain quotes for the new box and for replacing the present boxes with lighter, more flexible, and more stable alternatives—if such a product is available.

10. Peter Scott reported that the practice of announcing the next month’s greeters in the newsletter will be replaced with one of thanking them after the event.
Jack Zaleski will provide the Newsletter Committee with copies of the Applicants List as an accurate source of the names and bios of new members.
The practice of publishing obituaries of deceased members and the related donations of $50 to charity in the name of deceased members applies only to those who were members at the time of their death.

11. Raymond Greenwood had no report from the Membership Services Committee.

12. Hugh Lindsay reported that, after the meeting he will be changing the executive login and password.
The Website currently has between about 40 and 100 “hits” to the Home Page each day.

13. Roy Williams had no report as Historian.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

The next meeting will be at 9:30 am on December 1, 2015 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.

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