President David Scott called the meeting o order at 9:30am.Rich Carson acted as secretary.
A quorum of members being present, the president declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
1.Minutes of the meeting of August 5,2014
Upon Motion, the minutes of the meeting of August 5, 2014 were approved as distributed.
- In the absence of some committee chairs, other members presented reports.
- A schedule of Board of Directors dates and locations for the 2014/15 year was distributed by David Scott and agreed by all attendees.
- Business arising from Aug 5 meeting
David Scott reported that the committee struck to recommend a mission statement had chosen a statement that is now on the Club’s letterhead and will soon be on the website.
David Scott reported that 3 members, Ted Horsey, Brian Wasson and Ken Yule have agreed to act as counsel to the Club and have been added to the list of Club Officers on the website.
- Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer reported that membership receipts were continuing to come in and little had been expended leaving the Club with a comfortable balance in the bank account.
- Speaker Committee
Norm Leach reported that speakers have been confirmed through February 2015 and discussions are well in hand to confirm subsequent speakers.
- Membership Committee
In Brian Maunder’s absence, Norm Leach reported that the Club waiting list generally includes 12 to 18 names that are expected to join the club within the next few months, usually 3 per meeting .The current waiting list is in line.
- Activities Committee
In Doug Jones absence, David Scott introduced discussion on several upcoming activities.
- Presidents Lunch
Based on current enrolment, we are expecting approximately 100 attendees at the lunch.12 past presidents will attend.
Paul Budra’s audio request has been satisfied.
The parking arrangements will be reiterated on the website prior to Oct 14
- Dec 1 event
It is expected that the event will be well attended and the Music Academy is the appropriate venue.
The Member Services Committee will be responsible for collecting parking payments.
The Activities Committee will be responsible for confirming that attendees have preregistered.
If Random House decides to sell books, they will make the necessary arrangements.
Registration for the event will be opened on Oct 14.Registration may be accomplished at the Presidents Lunch, or through the website by email or telephone.
- Baseball Activity
49 members have indicated interest in attending a game next summer. In order to confirm a date for 50 attendees, the baseball team requires an immediate deposit of $950.Based on the expressions of interest it was proposed by David Scott and seconded by Jack Zaleski that the required deposit be made. All agreed.
- Mayoralty debate
It now seems unlikely that a debate can be arranged.
- House Committee
Doug Lambert reported that progress was being made on finding a person to take over some of his responsibilities.
Doug confirmed that that he had obtained confirmation that the Club’s existing insurance policy would cover both the Presidents Lunch and the Special Dec 1 activity, notwithstanding the somewhat limiting language in the policy.
- Newsletter Committee
There are a couple of members who have expressed interest in joining the committee. In order for them to function effectively in this role, Peter Scott suggested that the Club consider purchasing copies of Microsoft Publisher for new committee members. There was general agreement.
- Member Services Committee
Roy Williams stated that it was time for someone to take over the responsibility of storing the power point projector and equipment, bringing it to monthly meetings and setting up in the Space Centre. Peter Scott and Jack Zaleski indicated that they could make the necessary arrangements after the November meeting.
- Website Committee
In Hugh Lindsay’s absence, Peter Scott raised a few issues that could make the website more user friendly. The Committee is trying to come up with a simpler method of registering on line for activities. Also, more use could be made by board of directors members of the executive section of the website.
- History
Roy Williams is in the process of updating the Club history for the most recent year.
The meeting terminated at 11:30 am.
The next meeting will at 9:30 am on Dec 2, 2014 at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club,3811 Point Grey Road.