October 9, 2018 – The Presidents’ Lunch, Arbutus Club

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Paying with Paypal is very easy

Click on the Buy Now button that appears above

You will be directed to the Paypal Purchaser Details page which identifies the activity for which you are purchasing tickets, the price per ticket and allows you to enter the quantity you want to buy.

Enter the quantity and click continue.

You will be directed to the LogIn page where you have 2 options:

1. If you have a Paypal account, enter your Paypal ID and password and click Log In. The rest you will be familiar with as a member. When finished you will be directed back to the Probus web site.

2. If you do not have a Paypal account, click the Pay with Credit or debit button. You will be asked for your credit card information, billing address and contact information. Then click the Privacy Policy check box and then click the Pay Now button.

You are done. You will receive an email confirming your purchase.

If you require personal assistance with Paypal, please contact Jack Zaleski.


2 thoughts on “October 9, 2018 – The Presidents’ Lunch, Arbutus Club”

    Wayne Audette
    Richard Barker
    Paul Beckmann
    Harry Beattie
    Alain Boisset and guest
    Bob Boyd and guest
    Peter Brock
    David Cannell and guest
    Rich Carson and guest
    Hugh Chaun and guest
    Martin Christy
    Jon Collins
    Dave Collyer
    Colin Connor
    Peter Cooperberg and guest
    Ted Daem
    Don Farquar and guest
    Bob Friesen
    Doug Graham
    Gordon Dungate
    Richard Dunsterville
    Mel Endelman
    Chris Finch
    John Flowers
    Raymond Greenwood
    Poul Hansen
    Bill Hooker and guest
    Al Hurwitz
    Robin Jackson
    Doug Jones
    Carl Jonsson
    John Kay
    Michael King
    Lorne Lacey
    Chris Lay
    Bruce Ledingham
    Ron London and guest
    John Madden
    Ron Markey
    John Morgan
    David Muller
    Geoff Mynett
    Don Newman
    Bob Nugent
    Roy Oakey
    Constantine Pappas and guest
    Ian Paterson
    Ron Pears
    George Plant and guest
    John Rae
    Ian Reid
    Bill Robertson
    Bob Ross
    Mash Salehomoum
    Peter Scott and guest
    Bill Sexsmith and guest
    Mike Shields and guest
    Anthony Smith and guest
    Nick Thornton
    Ted Trevor-Smith
    Bob Solloway and guest
    Brian Wasson and guest
    Gordon Weetman
    Norm Weitzel and guest
    Roy Williams and guest
    Bud Wong and guest
    Ken Yule
    Jack Zaleski


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