Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Probus Club of Vancouver held at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club, 1630 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on Tuesday June 3, 2014 at 9:30 am.
Jon Collins – President
David Scott – Vice-President
Rich Carson – Treasurer
Doug Jones – Activities Committee Chair
Doug Lambert – House Committee Chair
Norm Leach – Membership Chair
Brian Maunder – Speakers Committee Chair
Tony Weall – Member Services Committee Chair
Norm Weitzel – Archivist
Roy Williams – Newsletter Editor
Ken Yule – Secretary
GUESTS: Doug Cucheron (Treasurer-designate), Hugh Lindsay (Website Committee member)
REGRETS: Wayne Audette, Jack Zaleski
President Jon Collins called the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Ken Yule acted as secretary. A quorum of members being present, the President declared the meeting properly constituted for the transaction of business.
- Minutes of the Meeting of April 1, 2014
UPON MOTION (Brian Maunder, Rich Carson) the Minutes of the Meeting of April 1, 2014 were approved as circulated.
- Strategic Plan Report
David Scott highlighted the recommendations in the draft plan. The Board of Directors consensus, supported by all directly involved, is not to merge the Newsletter and Website activities. The question of members` insurance while carpooling was referred to the Secretary and Vice-President.
- Presidents Luncheon Update
Doug Jones has booked a room with a capacity of 200 at the Arbutus Club for Tuesday October 14 from 9:30 to 1:30, and the Committee approved his confirming this booking. The Committee suggested the format of coffee from 10:00, introduction of Past Presidents and business at 10:30, speaker starts at 10:45 followed by Q&A until 11:30-11:45, a short break, and sandwich buffet lunch from 12:00. It was agreed there will be a cash bar from 11:30.
- Bylaw Revisions
The Committee had no further suggestions for the proposed bylaw amendments the Secretary had circulated, which will now be reviewed by the Club`s solicitors.
- Succession
Treasurer and Archivist have successors. Membership and Member Services do not. Speakers Committee is looking. Doug Lambert is hoping to find two successors to share the many and varied House duties. Roy Williams needs someone to operate the audio-visual system; he will speak to this from the podium in June, and may find help from Planetarium technicians. We do not have a Secretary, and Ken Yule suggested dividing the tasks between minute-taking and legal work. Doug Lambert will see if someone from the Space Centre might take our monthly minutes. Tony Weall suggested finding a journalism student to do this, and agreed to search for one and report back.
- Treasurer
Rich Carson expects a balanced budget this year. UPON MOTION (Roy Williams, David Scott) the Committee voted (6-5) to set the annual dues for next year at $50. Rich Carson will prepare a final budget on that basis, which he anticipates will produce a deficit of approximately $4000.
- Secretary
Matters pertaining to the Secretary and secretarial position have been discussed under previous items.
- Speakers
Brian Maunder reported that speakers are confirmed through March 2015, with the exception that November has not yet confirmed.
- Activities
Doug Jones reported that 61 members and guests enjoyed the Emily Carr University tour and the Pacific Institute for the Culinary Arts lunch. 85 members and guests are coming to the Cirque du Soleil on June 24. The Club will not be attending a Canadians baseball game this year. The Canadian Museum of Flight trip is set for Tuesday September 16.
- Membership
Norm Leach advised that the Membership Committee will meet on June 23 to work on processes to improve the information flow to applicants on the waitlist, identify new members for a period, and request members to identify potential Asian members who are leaders in their community.
- Website
Hugh Lindsay advised that Jack Zaleski has nothing to report at this time. He noted that anti-spam legislation comes into force July 1, 2014 and Probus must comply with it within three years.
- Member Services
Tony Weall is focussing on new members as greeters and cashiers and will involve them in other duties.
- Newsletter
Roy Williams reminded the Committee that the notice of AGM must be in the August newsletter, for which the deadline is in July. It was recommended that a brief report on activities, including photographs, be placed in the newsletter, so long as it did not duplicate the President`s message.
- New Business
The Committee agreed that the President should remind members of the upcoming speaker at the end of each monthly meeting.
- Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be at the Vancouver Lawn Tennis & Badminton Club, 1630 West 15th Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., on August 5, 2014 at 9:30 am.
- Adjournment
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.
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Jon Collis, President Ken Yule, Secretary