October 8, 2024 - Presidents' Lunch
Technology on the Brain

Dr. Ryan D’Arcy

Professor, SFU

Dr. Ryan C.N. D’Arcy is the co-founder of HealthTech Connex. Trained in neuroscience, neurotechnology, and medical imaging, Dr. D’Arcy also holds a BC Leadership Chair in Medical Technology, is a full professor at Simon Fraser University, and a member of the DM Centre for Brain Health at the University of British Columbia. He has published more than 275 academic works, attracted more than $100 million in competitive research and innovation funding, and been recognized through numerous awards and distinctions. Dr. D’Arcy is a three-time TEDx speaker, who speaks frequently on brain health innovations around the world.

Dr. D’Arcy received a B.Sc. (with distinction) from the University of Victoria along with both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in neuroscience from Dalhousie University (Killam Scholar). He completed post-doctoral training in medical imaging physics at the National Research Council’s Institute for Biodiagnostics, and holds a professional engineering designation in Neurotechnology (PlEng). He spent over a decade leading the development of Atlantic Canada’s biomedical imaging cluster before returning home to BC to catalyze and lead the development of the Health and Technology cluster in Surrey.

Dr. D’Arcy is widely recognized for co-founding the Health Sciences and Innovation initiative at Fraser Health’s Surrey Memorial Hospital, which led to co-founding Innovation Boulevard along with the Health and Technology District (the District). In addition to his role as President and Chief Scientific Officer at HealthTech Connex, he also leads the District’s BrainNET initiative to connect advances in neuroscience research to innovations in brain health.